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Saturday, September 10, 2005


Pray for Nature
Race of vultures.
Pray for beauty-ness,
Peace and leisure.

Pray for Nature.
She shall give us
Mercy and life.

Pray for Nature.
Although she cries,
And cries acid tears
from atomic wars.

Pray for Nature.
Although she cries
Venomous water,
Until everyone dies.

Pray for Nature,
Pray high and clear.
Pray and stop the fear.


Esther Lucio Bittencourt said...

http://www.netdisaster.com/go.php?mode=burn&url=http://fotofalante.blogspot.com/ fumando espero......

Anonymous said...

Mirian vc é linda demais... sou tua fã sabia?

Obrigada pelo elogio no CB, fiquei toda boba em saber que vc gosta do que escrevo... maior orgulho pra mim!

Beijo grande